4-5 years (age eligible for Kindergarten the following August)
Abeka Curriculum
Phonics & Reading
Recognition of name, sound, and picture of long/short vowels and consonants. Sounding of blends, one vowel words, and words with special sounds. Beginning phonics rules and special sounds.
Manuscript Writing
Upper and lower case letters, blends, words, and first name.
Social Studies
Community Helpers; America: Our Great Country (map studies), Calendar
Number recognition, counting, and concepts 1 - 30.
Numbers before and after, largest and smallest 1 - 20.
Addition facts through 10.
Using number words 1 - 10 (first - tenth).
Introduction to currency (Penny, Nickel, Dime).
Hymns/Choruses, Memory verses, Bible doctrine.
Lessons such as: Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ.